They might be well visited but there’s a reason – they are special and you can only find them in Turkey.
From the Blue Mosque to Topaki Palace, Istanbul’s most famous sites are still worth your time (despite the crowds).
Prepare Yourself for the Blue Mosque
The Blue Mosque is one of the most visited sites in Istanbul. Because of its popularity, every guidebook will recommend that you go early in the morning.
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Most people whizz through Selcuk in a day or two, taking in the wonders of the ruins of Ephesus and a whirl round the other sites and monuments in the town. With a driver it is possible to see the main sites in one day. However, I recommend taking your time, chill out for at least three days. There are a few day trips further afield which will keep you occupied for four or five days with Selcuk as your base.
Selcuk itself is a lovely rural Turkish town. The people are among the friendliest and most helpful in all of Turkey.
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Many travellers spend a mere two days in Cappadocia but for a fuller and richer experience, we recommend at least four days (We could easily have filled six days). With only two days, you’ll barely scratch the surface and spend all your time rushing around like a crazy person, instead of enjoying what the region has to offer.
Here are some suggestions on how to spend your time in this incredible landscape.
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